State-of-the-art solutions for different areas:
Modeling, simulation and development of robotic platforms and inspection tools using image processing technology. Process automation, technical viability studies and development of customized projects. Research and development of bioinformatics technology for medical applications. Innovative applications for human-robot interaction in public and private events.INDUSTRY
μRoboptics combines solid scientific knowledge on control theory, computer vision and applied robotics with practical engineering spirit to deliver innovative and disruptive solutions.

More About Us

Awesome Design
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Responsive Layout
Donec a mattis augue. Fusce porttitor, risus ac tincidunt gravida, libero eros ullamcorper massa, ac fringilla felis magna id nisi. Vivamus tortor metus, venenatis
Many Features
Donec a mattis augue. Fusce porttitor, risus ac tincidunt gravida, libero eros ullamcorper massa, ac fringilla felis magna id nisi. Vivamus tortor metus, venenatis
Easy to Customize
Donec a mattis augue. Fusce porttitor, risus ac tincidunt gravida, libero eros ullamcorper massa, ac fringilla felis magna id nisi. Vivamus tortor metus, venenatisActively researching to make a difference:
EU funded PhD programme aimed to train young mathematicians with theoretical and practical skills to tackle major challenges of big data. Rapid and cost-effective 3D printing technology of biocompatible personalized prosthesis for facial reconstruction. Novel and fast Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests to determine antibiotic susceptibility of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.BIGMATH (H2020)
FACEPRINT (Eurostars)
FAST-bact (H2020)
Trusted by clients around the world:
"It was a pure coincidence that we got to know μRoboptics, but this was a lucky coincidence. In the last several years I have really enjoyed working with them. Openness, honesty and courage are three words that come to my mind when I think about experience with μRoboptics. They are open to new opportunities, honest about the progress and shortcomings, and courageous to implement groundbreaking and not-evident solutions. And on top of their technical excellence they are really nice guys to work with. Highly recommend them!"

"We were looking for a strong software engineering partner to complement our domain knowledge. Finding the technical competence was easy. However, finding people with the right mindset and culture to develop our product as a team was the hard part. Luckily we found both at μRoboptics."

"μRobopticsはロボティクス分野のプロフェッショナルである。すべての仕事において、プロジェクトの仕様を的確に満たし、常に納期を厳守するだけでなく、素晴らしいアイデアまでもたらしてくれる。私たちは、学術分野も含む最新技術に関する彼らの深い理解と経験に裏打ちされたソフトウェア開発能力に対し厚い信頼を寄せている。 μRobopticsは私たちの最高のパートナーであり、他社にとってもそうであるはずだと信じている。"

"FASTinov, a spinoff from Porto University working in microbiology, contacted μRoboptics to develop a solution to automate the execution of antimicrobial susceptibility tests through flow cytometer analysis. Despite the difficulty and specificity of our language, μRoboptics´s team quickly understood our needs and presented a consistent work plan. In the accorded time, they were able to provide a friendly software that perfectly met our expectations. I hope that we continue to work with this nice and competent team and I will recommend it to other companies."

"μRoboptics is specialized in transferring the latest technological and research developments to commercial applications. Working with them has brought new insights to old challenges, allowed for breakthroughs in different areas and paved the way for a strategic partnership with us."

"Working with μRoboptics is unquestionably an amazing experience. From their creativeness to understand customer needs and addressing our challenges in an agile manner to the integration of technological innovative solutions, It’s a journey where partnership and willingness to make the difference is always present."

"μRoboptics helped us improve the process of complex structural analysis with finite-element software tools. We now guarantee high quality results to our customers in minimal time."

"μRoboptics presents an unquestionable competence in the areas it operates. They’ve developed a system for SAKPROJECT that meets the demanding requirements, delivered within the agreed time frame and with the full realization of the planned stages. SAKPROJECT will continue to have μRoboptics as its partner for developing solutions that need to convert science into innovative industrial technology."

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